Dynamics DNS with pfSense and Route53

The quite excellent pfSense comes with a dynamic DNS plugin for Amazon’s Route53 DNS management service. However, there is little to no documentation provided on how to set it up properly and especially about setting up the relevant IAM access policies.

So I went to the pfSense repository on GitHub and browsed the code in order to find out how much access the plugin needed in order to do its deed.

As it turns out: not much. The following IAM policy will grant the plugin the required permissions to access Route53 on your behalf:


Notice the <your-hosted-zone-id> which you need to exchange for the ID your zone has been assigned to within Route53.

What the dynamics DNS module within pfSense actually does:

  1. Connect to the AWS API and look up all the records within the zone you configured
  2. Determines whether there is a record by the name you entered
  • If there is it deletes the record and adds it back with the new IP address attached to it.
    • Note: This is also why it is very wise to chose a very low (<= 60 seconds) TTL for your dynamic DNS record
  • If there isn’t it creates a new record and attaches the IP address to it
  1. Saves the IP address it just set within Route53 to a file within the pfSense environment to make sure it doesn’t update the same record twice
  • The IP either gets updated when the locally recorded IP address doesn’t match the record on Route53 or every 25 days

After that the A record should get updated automatically each time the IP changes on the associated interface.